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Nursing Research and Collaboration Center

Linking Nursing Fields with the College

The Nursing Research and Collaboration Center aims to effectively improve the quality of nursing practices by linking nursing professionals to the college. Activities are rooted in the center's innovative functions as the foundation of education and research, including lifelong learning for nurses.

Enhancing collaborative research with nurses

By performing collaborative research with nursing professionals in Gifu Prefecture, the college strives to improve the quality of current nursing practices for better nursing services.

Collaborative Research Projects

Our faculty researchers, together with nursing professionals in Gifu Prefecture, have been engaged in research activities that are closely related to daily nursing services since the establishment of the college. With the aim of improving and innovating nursing services, we use the scientific method during collaborative research at nursing sites. The two groups (faculty researchers and nursing professionals) come from different backgrounds and bring different points of view, which helps both sides get access to unfamiliar nursing facts and events. Cooperation based on equality is of utmost importance.

Furthermore, through the processes of collaborative research, the college also strives to support nurses' lifelong learning and development.

Collaborative research facts (as of June 30, 2022)

Total research topics (2000-2022)  499
Total participants (in person-days, 2000-2022)  3,106

Institutions engaged in collaborative research with Gifu College of Nursing

Collaborative Research Discussion Meeting

To review the processes of collaborative research and share outcomes with participants, we hold a meeting on the third Saturday in February every year. The meeting starts with reports on each study, followed by lively discussions around the poster presentations and the exchange of opinions. It has proven very worthwhile so far, in that the members are able to hear outside ideas.

Nursing Practice Research Promotion Project

This project aims to promote lifelong learning in the nursing profession. Our college recognizes the importance of nursing professionals reviewing and reconsidering their own nursing sites, which leads to the improvement of working conditions. College researchers assess the situation and determine the type of training or method of guidance appropriate to each case.

Case Study

Title Improvement and Expansion of Visiting Nurse Station Activity
Aim To investigate the present situation in a visiting nursing station, determine a research topic, and construct a model for solving the problem.

1)Individual interviews at the nursing site: Our college researchers visit the visiting nursing station, gather information, and exchange opinions with the nurses to improve or upgrade nursing practice.   

2)Workshop: Nurses who have received in-service training meet and discuss topics from the college researchers' report.